Tuesday, February 05, 2008


It's a killer.

See, in highschool, I'm pretty sure my car was never working, thus I bummed a lot of rides. Now, my Floyd is pretty stable, and I still have a licence (I'm as surprised as everyone else). This apparently is not very common in Ohio (still having a licence, that is). So now I end up giving people a lot of rides.

Tonight, I gave two people rides. My boss was one of them. It was mucho foggy and I almost kicked both the people out of the car and said "walk". That is how horrendously foggy it was. I could not see a foot in front of my damned car. I nearly had a heart attack. Neither of the people in my car smoke, and the whole damn time I was just wishing I had a death stick because at least I'd go out happy, ya know? Incidentally, I did not die or get into an accident or burst an aorta. Yay?

Pretty sure Karma sucks though.


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