Thursday, June 16, 2005


CHOICE MOVIE: Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith. Great action sequences and the CGI was superb, if that's what your looking for in a movie. The whole Yoda hopping around and fighting thing was kinda amusing and more like watching a cartoon than anything, but still a pretty entertaining movie. If you don't happen to be having popcorn wars in the middle of it.

Yesterday, my birthday, was amusing. I went shopping w/the Cassie and bought stuff. Then came back, bothered Anna and Peter, went to Anna's for a while. JHo and his friend Charlie, and Cassie later went there as well and we didn't really do anything(as we never really ever do), but it's better than doing nothing alone. At 9:40 we all went to the Humota to watch Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.

Today I was supposed to work at Classic Cleaning, but I was unaware that I was supposed to drive myself and then Nichole called and told me, but it was already 9:00 and when I called Miriam, and she wasn't there, so, yeah. 4-9pm. I did cart at Hyvee. I was actually done w/cart by 6ish, at which point the power went out and there was mass chaos, much blood and an incident w/a goat. Then I went on break for about half an hour. Then for 2 hours I rearranged the cart thingermajig. If someone has a problem w/how it's arranged, they can damn well re-arrange it themselves. I won't stop them. I have truck 7am.- 1pm tomorrow. I'm not so much looking forward, cuz I hate that shift.

I think I will actually finish a book for the first time in a month in a half tonight. Maybe go to bed early for once. Gawd I suck. At leastI'll be well slept.


Blogger Cindy St. Onge said...

Happy Birthday Hannah!!!

Sorry my birthday wishes are late. I hope you had a special day, and that every year is better than the last.

7:16 PM  

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