CHOICE MOVIE: At First Sight. VaL KiLmer...yummy. Ummmm, I guess it's about this bLind guy and he falls in LOVE. Then he gets his sight back through extensive surgery and probLems occur in the reLationship or some such. IDK, cuz I saw it a Long time ago and don't reaLly remember a great deaL of it. Except that the onLy thing he remembered from b4 going blind when he was young was cotton candy. Major chik fLik.
My weekend was pretty decent. Working 9-6 Saturday sucked, but hey, I'm assuming I'll get payed, so there's always that. I think I am the most useless piece of shit Hyvee can claim, but, w/e. After that was the Bradgate street dance thingermajig. Active Input did weLL, and the Anna, J-Ho, PhiLlips kid, and I onLy stayed 1 1/2 songs of the other band, but they did pretty good aLso. After that, a hippie good time was had (+ Cassie) w/a shitLoad of candles and animaL sLaughtering. Yep, that witchcraft...can't get enough of it. Anyz, today was graduation and parties. I Like the parties b/c of the food. Food is good and anorexia is not the answer. Or is it? W/e.
Cassie, Ana, Patz, and I ran around to the graduation parties together and had a generaLly fun time. The Rassmussen's had cotton candy. Yum. There's just something about fLuffy coLored sugar that drives me wild. LUV. Saw the TechLenburg at Jen's party and he and some other fine Senior's are going to my homeLand (OHIO) to ride some roLlercoasters at the Cedar Point!!! This excites me. Um, yeah, I'm beginning to sound Like a lunatic, so I'm gonna stop. ALso it is Late and I'm not sure why I'm stiLl up.
If anyone notices the unnecessariLY CAPITALized LllLLLLllll's take note aLso that I am not purposefully doing it. I am typing on the keyboard that I spiLled grapejuice on about a month or so ago. Yes, e-thing I own is fucked up and it's all my fauLt.
I hate cotton candy
i like cotton candy. and i have your purse. and i don't want it anymore.
I just felt like typing something..and mooney isn't watching...
miriam says you can start whenever..
I'm feeling a little upset again..but I was doing good earlier. I'm still having mood swings to the tenth degree.
God. Life sucks.
Excuse me while I go dig a hole to die in.
Cotton candy sounds good, but then again that's all I need : Spun Sugar and Air.
you can probably figure out who this is.
PS. where are you today? Faking it?
moi? fake it? I know how you feeL. I'm at home here and, yeah, not feeling the greatest. Not sick...just...ya know. Hey, you prolly won't check this again today, but could you perhaps bring me my language notebook after schooL? Who's Miriam?
ooops, sorry anonymous person, I was thinkin u were someone else, but now having spoken to who I thought you were, have found out ur not them, and realise who miriam is and who you are. I am occasionally a dumb shit.
whoa.... i was rereading this, and caught the animal sacrifice line... was that while i was inside making coffee? or just....nevermind.
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