Saturday, May 14, 2005


CHOICE MOVIE: Frida. Great movie about the painter Frida Kahlo. I love this movie and everything about it and Frida. I want the soundtrack and the Frida Kahlo diary. I want to engage in promiscuous activity w/ Frida. Frida is my idol.

Y-day, Friday the 13th, was a pretty good day, all things considered. There were 3 trips to and from Fort Dodge, one of them impeded by someone's car not starting...and then starting when we returned to FD for the second time. There was also a restaurant, as Peter mentioned, which served food that I'm pretty sure only Cassie and Anna appreciated. W/e. Good coffee and bad habits were enjoyed throughout the day. Friday being my favorite day and 13 my favorite number, I usu enjoy my Friday the 13's.

Today was less eventful. I was awoken at 1:30p.m. by a phone call from my father who resides in Florida. 2:30ish I ate something or other and watched Frida. Then I showered and dressed, and went to Austina Scott's graduation party. Came home. Called some non-awake person, and then called another person who didn't answer. Now I am on the computer. Wow, do other people enjoy such leisurely days of shit? Some piece of crap show is on the PBS right now. There are comedians involved...they should go for another profession. There was this show on a while ago called The Thin Blue Line which has that Mr.Bean guy on it and is pretty interesting. I like it. OMG my life is such a boring piece of shit that I actually watched some PBS today. I hope anyone who made it through this piece of shit blog filler is now much more appreciative of their own life. That's what I'm here for.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, I watch PBS everyday. Well, not so much anymore, now that I have all my channels back (yeah, all 6).

10:04 AM  

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