Wednesday, April 20, 2005


CHOICE SONG: Your Own Disaster by Taking Back Sunday.

So, I've already read 3 blogs (Peter, Jadie, and Sammi's) detailing the events of today, and I really have nothing to add to their eloquent descriptions. For Soundsations tomorrow night, I am dressing in a white dress, black boots, black bra thing(read:lots of cleavage), fishnets, and a shitload of punkin' jewelry. It looks similar to Amy lee's outfit in the Going Under music video...but not, and w/black crap. I think it looks okay, but my mother and grandmother are now referring to me as a big slut. Yes, anyone that knows me knows what a huge prostitute I am. Sure.

In any case, Tomorrow is the thing and I think the band should just do their stuff and disregard Blah as he ultimitely has no control over how loud they play. I'll scream to be heard or w/e, I really couldn't give a shit at this point just as long as Peter and Tom do actually show up. For Pre-Prom I will be entertaining everyone w/another Evanescence song w/Cole and possibly Jake accompanying me. It's My Immortal, which is only the easiest Evancescence song ever to sing, so, yeah, pulling that out of my ass will be a simple task.

Why do we have school tomorrow? I want it to end. more month and I'm a Senior...YES! Then I'll only have one more year till I'm gone. YES!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, my blog's not really worth going to. I basically just say fuck 400 times and that's about it.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Hannah M. said...

Yeah, well, that's what I like about ur blog. Plus, at least you write something...I linked to Tom today and he hasn't written since b4 March.

7:33 PM  

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