CHOICE MOVIE: Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man. Completely 80's macho man movie. I quite enjoyed, even if Peter doesn't believe me. It has completely predictable dialogue, crappy fighting scenes, and Don Johnson, but I'm still a fan. What can I say, I was raised on Superstation's Movies for Guys Who Like Movies.
My Cassie is away at her Padre's for the week, so I am left w/fewer friends to entertain my increasingly needy demands of amusement. Two days ago Anna and I finally redyed our hair and then harassed Peter, which was interesting. The next day, Nichole and I went to the middle of the soccor field which was all lit up and ate a mango that I bought at Fareway not too long ago. I am uncapable of cutting mangoes, and Nichole is not much better, so, yeah, that was very messy. I felt like I was in a porno w/all the juices that were running down my arms and face. Then we went to Cole H.'s and played the Star Wars III video game. I suck at video games.
Y-day I worked a shit ton at both of my jobs. I had 3 hours of Hyvee can room to end my loverly work day, and so I was not in the best of moods and ran to Anna for comfort/amusement. We then visited the Hovey, had a sit down, drank some coffee, and discussed Anna and Hovey's possible summer detassling. Then we went back to Anna's, she made box potatoes (the best sort of potato) and then Pedrov came over and we did a whole lotta complacent nothin till he left. I did however, drink too much water while eating the potatoes, so I think they expanded in my stomach and gave me a tummy ache. W/e. Then Anna and I watched my favorite 90's movie, 10 Things I Hate About You, which includes the hottest Aussie ever, Heath Ledger. Luv. I was there till 3:00a.m., but it was a good time spent.
Today I awoke at 9:00a.m., worked for about an hour w/Nichole, came home and slept for lack of anything better to do, went to Anna's again, watched I Love The 80's w/her and Pete, then went to work again. Now I am home and pretty bored, so I think I'll go to someone else's home and annoy them. I like other ppl's houses...also other ppl's food. My mother REALLY needs to go shopping.
yeah Harley Davidson and the Marleboro Man kicks ass!
w00t! my name was definitely in there six times.... i feel so special :) and as my new fake mashed potatoes friend, you are welcome anytime :)
Oh man, HDandMM was such a "good beacuse it was so bad" movie.
Here's how old I am... I still have it recorded on VHS from its first TV airing.
Lame, huh?
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