CHOICE MOVIE: Indecent Proposal. Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson, Robert Redford. This wife and husband go for broke gambling and a billionare offers them a million cold to spend one night w/the wife(Demi). They accept and it ruins their marriage. I kinda liked it.
God, today sucks such incredible ass. I am also seriously reconsidering reproducing. Why must children always have to be paid attention? Why? Why can't they be like cats? Cats are small, don't eat copious amounts, shit in a box, and comfort you when you're sad. What do children do? They shit and eat, but they also cry and expect you to smile at them constantly like a fucking cupie doll. And if you don't pay attention to them, they start crying or breaking shit. Good god, WHY????!!?!???
I worked from 9-12 this morning, which sucked b/c I was fucking tired from cheating myself out of sleep the previous two nights and so, yeah. Then I worked again from 3:30 - 4:30, and then out of the kindness of my very cold and black heart came to this hellhole to babysit a 9month old child, who is nowhere near as tame as I was expecting. Don't get me wrong, he's fine as long as you pay attention to him. Try to watch a fucking movie tho and he's like all "wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Why can't he just amuse himself, he has plenty of toys. And a bottle. Fucking retard.
There he goes again, FOR NO GOOD REASON!!! I hate my life. I need a sit down.
And to think, You probably will have some one day. (insert evil giggle)
Not that I can say much I'll probably have a few too. Oh well, irony's of life
Last night, we were watching a movie at Kayla's and I think there were children in it. I can't remember. Anyways, the topic of children was brought up. Most everyone in the room that spoke said something along the lines of "I can't wait to have kids." Erica and I felt a little differently: "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?"
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