Monday, May 30, 2005


CHOICE MOVIE: Trojan War. Will Friedle, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and Marley Shelton. All that keeps a love-strucken nerd from getting busy with his long admired cheerleader true love is the pursuit of a condom. Such a 90's movie, but what can I say, Will Fredle has the nicest foppish hair. Other than Hugh Grant, of course.

Okay, so today I'm working and some guy comes in and I'm bagging his food and he says to me, "Have you been a good girL?"
I take a moment to ponder the question...have I been a good girL? I decide I have, and so say, "yes," to which he responds, "I don't think you have."
This both offends and creeps me out. I have too been good...and why are you so sure I haven't? Then he amends his previous statement and says, "No, I think you probabLy have been a good girL, for the hour and haLf that you've been working at Least."
I smile uncomfortabLy and put some more grocery's away whiLe wondering how did he know I started an hour and a haLf ago? Yeah, that creeped me out.

I went to Phu's thingermajig at 9ish when it was pretty much over and his host family's annoying child was out and about and I just about stabbed him w/a poker thing. Rubbing his head in the smoldering ashes of the bonfire wouLd have been equaLLy satisfying though. I hate chiLdren. No, okay, I don't hate all children, just the stupid ones. They should be beat. I wiLL do the world a favor and beat mine if they turn out that shitty. I certainly wasn't that shitty as a chiLd. I think it's something in the water...fluorine maybe? Or it couLd be the genetics. Genes are LargeLy to blame for many of the ignorant shit heads that populate this planet.


Blogger Peter said...

Yeah... he was quite annoying. A hemriod on the ass of earth I might say...

9:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Perhaps that guy was the same guy that hit on me in Pamida?

8:21 AM  
Blogger Hannah M. said...

hehe, nice metaphor-izing(?), Peter. And it would figure if it were the same guy, Sammi, cuz we are both similar in that we lack height. That might turn him on.

8:02 PM  
Blogger Cindy St. Onge said...

Could be the genes, but more likely lazy parenting. Thanks to the plethora of Montessori parents abounding these days, I hate kids too. Not all of them. Just the ones with limbs and larynxes.

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a brat,annoying,and demon chiLD WERE YOU BUT NOT SHITTY!!!!

6:02 PM  

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