Monday, September 20, 2004


CHOICE MOVIE: A Clockwork Orange. One of the wierdest, grossest movies I have ever seen. But also, surprisingly cool.

Yeah, that street dance thing sucked ass. They should've had Active Input play there, but all they had was suck-ass country music and oldies. Okay, I like oldies, but it wasn't what I was in the mood for. Ashley, Maggie and I got all gothy, I wore black lipstick, and peeps stared at us. I met more stupid 9th graders who were...stupid. And perhaps homosexual.

I just got done doing 9 hours at the Learn + Play and I'm ready to die now. I hope I will never be so desperate as to actually work there full time when I'm 30. I would die. The only kid I actually like is the little baby that never cries and always smiles. The Gould twins aren't too bad either, but James wouldn't stop crying today 4 some reason.


Blogger Peter said...

F*CK YEAH!!! ACTIVE INPUT You are awesome :)

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe 'A Clockwork Orange' originally had an X or NC-17 rating. Did you see that version or a dumbed down R version?

- Chad

5:57 PM  
Blogger Hannah M. said...

Yeah...I'm pretty sure I saw the unedited version. The 70's were pretty graphic. Ya wanna know how I saw it? With my dad. He's unique.

3:07 PM  

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