Monday, September 06, 2004


The wind, it scares me
So fierce like your eyes.
The sky is dark,
Blackened, devoid of light.
The heavens, they cry
They sympathise
With the tears falling from my eyes.
They rumble with angry thunder,
They crackle with hungry light.
The skies, they sympathise
with the aching in my heart.
Your eyes are dark and hard
Devoid of light.
No sign of mirth.
The skies are coal,
Like the color of your soul.
The trees and all their hundred fingers dance,
They bend, they reach
They sway in colorful, organic array
But still they stay
Deep in the earth where they belong.
The trees, they sympathise
With my demise,
The crying of my eyes.
Your eyes they scare me,
So fierce like a storm,
Blackened, devoid of light

copyrights of Hannah R.M. 2004


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