CHOICE MOVIE: American History X. I haven't seen this in a while, but it is an awesome movie and I love it.
I'm not sure why, but for some inexplicable reason, I feel kinda sad-ish right now. For no good reason whatsoever, I feel like my heart is breaking. Oh god, I need to take pills or something, I sound like a fucking sap.
Anywayz, today was my first day as a WORKING GIRL, interstingly enough, not at 5th and Main. In all actuality, I now work at the Learn and Play Day Care Center. I will summarize my whole 2 hours of working for e-one.
"No, don't touch that," "No, no, it's movie time now, go sit down," "No, don't hit him with that," "Ummm, okay, wash your hands now," "It's all right, let's just go over here and color, okay?" "No, no, he had that first" "Uh oh."
All of that was said in my best Dr.Laura voice and accompanied by a friendly, trusting smile. Jamie's giving me 2 weeks tops till I start yelling at them. I think I'll last longer. Maybe.
Tomorrow, Jamie, Megan and I are going to Ft.Dodge, and they are getting their navel's pierced. I do not see the appeal in that barbaric custom, so I will not. But I do so enjoy seeing others in tomorrow should be interesting. Also, Maggie is having her b-day party, so we will go there as well.
PS. I am bipolar insane
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