Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Okay, so am officially moving back to the Humboldt on Sunday. Rod and Deanna, being the overconfident people that they are, scheduled me already. I am supposed to work on Monday at 6:30am. Welcome back to Humboldt, I guess. So yeah. I also think it's funny that Rod was unaware of the fact that I never worked or even been trained for CS before in my life. He was all like, "Oh, really?"


In other news, my last day at KFC/LongJohn Silvers was Monday. My uncle Matt(not knowing I worked there) came in with his fugly girlfriend and proceeded to order food without acknowledging that it was,in fact, his niece taking his order. I finally was like, "Are you serious? Do you honestly not recognize me???" At which point he takes a closer look and is like, "Well, you look kinda familiar...oh...yeah" Yeah, thanx a heap Cyote Ugly, I feel really special now. My own uncle did not recognize me.

That is all the news I have for now, other than that today is pay-day, and I am looking forward to cashing my check. Also, I am hungry.



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