Friday, March 07, 2008


So I have randomly been having some very interesting dreams. The interesting part is that they are vaguely entertaining and I actually remember them to some degree the next day. Yesterday I had this dream where somebody was stalking me. I was in a car very opposite of an American one, as the wheel was on the other side of the car. After parking my car for work, this guy then tried to kidnap (can it still be called that if I am no longer a kid?) me. He grabbed my leg and we struggled for a time. Apparently it didn't dawn on me to scream until I had shoved him out of the car and slammed to door on him. The window was down, however, and he reached in again to grab something from my pocket. At this point, I screamed and he ran away. So of course I drove off and found another parking space, and went to work. I awoke soon after.

Last night, I was being chased by some government agency or something. I don't really recall why, only that I had some information that they required. It was me and two other people (a boy and girl), though I dont know who the other people were supposed to be. The government people chased me all over town, and I with a cat-like agility ran from house to house, jumping from 3rd story windows and such with barely a bat of the eye. I ended up in my grandparents neighborhood in Temperance, Michigan. I lost them for a while, and jumped the fence in the back yard of my grandparents house into the wooded area behind. This area was largely overgrown and much thicker and larger than it is in real life. After walking for some time, the girl and I (for the boy was no longer with us) came upon an encampment of people who apparently lived in the woods. The had beds in the trees and a long dinnertable spread out with food and many people. We decided to hide out here for a while, but the people of the place said we could only stay for dinner and then we had to leave. We were hungry, so we stayed for dinner.

This is where the story kind of doesn't make very much sense, for next thing I know, after dinner there was an event of some kind and there were bleachers all set up. The girl and I climbed all the way to the top of the bleachers and sat down. Suddenly Ryan Renolds sits next to me. I of course, flirt shamelessly with him for a while. He then turns out to be not Ryan Renolds, but rather Heath Ledger. "Isn't he supposed to be dead?" I asked myself, but then stopped caring because, hey, Heath Ledger is hitting on me!

Suddenly the event that everyone was watching is over and I return to the tent that the girl and I were staying in (?). A note slips under the tent and I open it to find in childish crayon writing next to wierd incomprehensible pictures: "I know how to get you to safety. I am leaving tonight, please leave with me." Somehow I intuit that it is from Heath Ledger, so of course I start packing my clothes into a bag (how I have a bag and clothes to pack, I don't really know) and am about to take off. This is, of course, where I wake up.

So if anyone has even read this post and made it through that whole lot of rubbish, then you should understand how interesting I find my dreams to be of late. Or not. One element seems to plague me recently, and that is how in both dreams, I was kind of being chased for information that I had. But what could this mean? Where is Carl Jung when you need him?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like some very entertaining dreams. I'm jealous, I know i've had some good ones, but I can't remember them.

11:53 AM  

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