Sunday, January 29, 2006


So, yesterday on my way to work(at the cross of 6th st. and 4th ave.) I somehow did not see this car until I was halfway through(at which point I sped up)and then got slammed in the ass, did a little tail-spin, parked the car, and got out to see that it was Josie Gronbach whom I had collided with. Her bumper had come off and such, and there was a dent just below my gas tank near the rear wheel. I think b/c it was just rainy enough outside, the damage was not too severe. Neither of us were injured or anything, tho I did have a slight headache that was prolly more stress related, but who cares?

Bad news: I was cited for failure to yield, and have to pay a $76 fine. Worse news: I did not have insurance and so have to pay a $600 fine. Court Date is Febuary 9th. All I can say now is exactly all I could say directly after the collision. FUCK. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK


Blogger Unknown said...

BOOO (and that's 'BOOO' as in 'that fucking blows' and not 'you suck').

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you learned what from this? You always write using "adult" language and like you are so "smart" why don't you grow up and act like an adult and make some adult choices like buying insurance and being a responsible person. I have read your blog for quite some time and think it is time that someone tells you to grow up, act your age and get a little self respect for yourself. -Quit the vulgar language and become a young lady. - You won't have to complain so much about your "life sucking". - It will be a lot better place with a good attitude. Do you really think anyone feels sorry for someone who only complains? GET OVER YOURSELF! And, yes, make your comments about being anonymous. - If you actually knew who I am, you would want to crawl in a hole. Needless to say, proud of you, I'm NOT! It's time to be a SMART Gal and GROW UP!

3:15 PM  
Blogger Hannah M. said...

Where have you been Anon? I just got told off a bunch in my Fucking Preps post, including being told to "grow up." My answer remains NO. Young Lady? Hell NO. There's no fun in that.

...You sound like my grandmother...are you my grandmother? If so, shame on you! You of all ppl have no right to tell me what to be.

This is a blog, I'm supposed to complain here. You don't like it? GO AWAY. I'm not a business, I don't require you as a patron. GO AWAY. I don't need anybody's sympathy, so I'll complain as much as I please.

God, some ppl never learn.

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grandmother? No. - Not even close. I do know that you are SMART enough to look back and regret the majority of the things you have posted in your blog over the past several months in due time. You tried to act devastated when a classmate died, but to most of us, your show wasn't all that convincing. I think this was the turning point of the downhill slide going from slow to fast. How do you think your employer would feel if he read your blog? Think you would still have a job? I wonder... Sounds like I must not be the only one who thinks its time for you to step back and look at how you are living your life if you were told to grow up on your preps post too. Hmmm....tell you something? If you need help with working through your problems, just ask for help. Don't degrade yourself in front of the whole world by posting on a world wide blog. - Act like an 18 year old and accept life and all of its tough times. Once you start working through them, the good times come a lot more often! Please take this to heart because I actually DO care and know that you can be a better person than what you are putting out there. Enough said?!?

2:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Why shouldn't I feel sorry for complainers? I mean, I feel sorry for myself, don't I? Or couldn't you handle the "adult language" well enough on this blog to make it to mine?

Isn't anyone SMART enough to look back on some of their posts and regret posting some things? It happens, but what's in the past is in the past. Get over it.

And if I ever hear you say something like Hannah not caring about Chad on here again (or anywhere for that matter), so help me God...You know, I can't even find a threat good enough for that. My simplest response would be: GO. TO. HELL. I don't care how fucking childish that sounds. I'm not the immature one here.

And if Hannah were to take something to heart, wouldn't she want to know the name of the person who's writing things that she should take to heart?

Then again..."You didn't care for Chad, Hannah! TAKE THIS TO HEART!" Nope, I'm not buying it...

Feel free to delete this Hannah, but Anon fucking pissed me off.

5:48 PM  
Blogger Hannah M. said...

I don't delete comments, as I believe in the preservation of time and all the happenings therin. I will not delete anybody's comments unless they comment the same thing twice.

I really don't even feel it's worth my time to say anything to you anon, but I guess here I go again. You are the epitome of everything I hate. Die. To all school officials out there, that is not a threat. Just a wish. A better person than you took himself out. Whether you believe it or not, I really cared about him. Some ppl just don't cry every 5 fucking minutes about things they can't do anything about. Some ppl build walls b/c they like that coping mechanism.

I'm not you, therefore, I don't do as you do. Got that? Good.

I have only 2 regrets in life. One was Chad oriented. The other has nothing to do w/anything you need to know about. Regrets don't change a thing. Will you ever regret being a fucking prig of a coward on some girl's blog who has done absolutely nothing to you? Prolly not. I prolly won't ever regret telling you to piss off. Not terribly witty, I know, but it says what was necessary to convey.

12:41 PM  
Blogger Hannah M. said...

PS. I have good times...I just don't expand upon them so much b/c they are little things. Or things I don't want ppl to know about...


12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats kinda sexist, also anon thats very harsh to say that you cant say what people feel about certain things, you should be slapped and then some for your harsh uncalled for comments, also um act grown up it was a stupid acident you cant say that you wont EVER have an acident liek that in your life, its soo unlikley not to. i just think its an acident that will get sorted out and hannah is pretty damn mature, and neither side of hannah or josie is very pissed bout it so no fret you j-ass.

leading enron power world insane

5:09 PM  
Blogger Cindy St. Onge said...

I'm glad you're alright, though.

8:21 PM  

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