Meistersingers Festival
CHOICE SONG: Let It Die by Fiest. I love her voice. It reminds me of the 20's, and sometimes it reminds me of loneliness.
The Meistersingers Festival was pretty awesome. There were a shit-ton of singers from 24 different highschools singing prettily. What impressed me the most was the boys. That was so hot, all those deep voices...oh my. In any case, those boys were so much better than ours. The soprano section slightly sucked. I slightly sucked as those two days were about the second time I had set my eyes upon the four sets of music we had to sing. And yet I learned them well enough. Rittercore sang also and were B-E-A-Utiful! I love boys. And so yeah.
I did sleep on the floor in the dorm room we stayed in, which was cement and not very friendly with my back. That is to say, my back KILLS(the numerous hours of sitting perfectly straight did not help either). Singing is hard work. 5-6 hours a day of singing is really hard on the voice. I don't think I could be a professional vocalist(one of the ones that actually sing, not those pop crappers who I could so be and beat). My voice is now tired. Also, I burned my tongue on some coffe. I spent a shit-ton of money on food b/c Mr.Blair apparently doesn't notice that I get payed $5.50 an hour, and my hours have been cut. The least expensive meal I ate was at McDonalds. My hamburger tasted like worms. It was mushy...hamburgers should not be mushy like worms.
The songs were HARD. I haven't sung an A in practically a year, and I had to sing alot of F, G, and A's this weekend. There were 3 soloists auditioning for scholarships or some such and they were very good. Two boys and a girl. The first boy was pretty and had good musical expression. He seemed nice and conveyed enthusiasm on his face. The girl seemed like a bitch, but I must admit, sang very beautifully. I didn't like her high notes very much tho. The last was the best in my opinion. This guy sang in French. He seemed hauty, and his voice was slightly raw in the way that I don't really like, but he sang in a different language, so he got extra points.
I'm tired now so I think I'm gonna read or sumthin. In my nice, soft, wonderful bed.
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