What the fuck is up w/all the preppy boys and the hairdye? Haven't they burned enough brain cells through sheer testosterone? Good god, today I have spotted at least three newly dyed black haired boys, and about five w/the bleach blond. Ugly, pissy colored bleach blonde. The kind of blond achieved through my dog pissing on snow. And the black hair. Oh the black hair. That's just fucking with nature. They do not DESERVE black hair. Fucking piece of shit fuck wits. I need to go cut myself now. That's what real hairdye addicts do!
Thomas George(is a fucking asshole, so he can die)
Will Shekey(he is slightly less preppy, so I forgive)
Luke Saturn(has done it b4, so I forgive)
...some kid whose name I don't know who is not so bad, but still looks stupid w/the pissy hair.
Dan Mudget(dyed his hair brown. He's a homosexual tho, so I guess I better be nice:)
Something Fisher(looks stupid, I do not forgive)
bleh, I don't know who the rest of the ppl are, but they all look fucking retarded.
Short haired boys should just not dye their hair. Especially if they already wear pink. A line has to be made somewhere.
Jordan Smith looks like Sisqo.
Jordan Smith looks like my dogs ass.
Is it wrong that I find your angry rants enjoyable? I love how honest and blunt you are. You're my hero.
"There's wrong, and there's wrong, and then there's this."
ps. I love you Missy. You go to an all-girls school...nobody is more heroic than you;)
jordan smith looks like a fuckin....ehhh i better not. but i bet he goes good with milk.
HAHA! I said something like that about Colton once, then realized he was right behind me.
yeah its all rather annoying lately people with shitty hair argh and matt b copied my black hair black nails.
"i hate jordan said...
jordan smith looks like a fuckin....ehhh i better not. but i bet he goes good with milk.
8:08 PM
Sammi said...
HAHA! I said something like that about Colton once, then realized he was right behind me."
Funny how simple minds work...You judge someone on their hair or there race. It's becoming a sad, sad world
To be fair, I have never judged the oreo brothers by their race. I judge them by their lack of intellect.
The looking stupid part is just a side wonder at which I can laugh and rant about. I'm sure ppl laugh at my various hair hues. *shrugs* Plus, the rest of the ppl I'm making fun of are white.
Plus, you say it's becoming a sad world? since when have such prejudices become a new thing? Since when has the world not been sad, sad?
It doesn't show you have much intellect as you call them oreo brothers, and also complaining about,"What the fuck is up w/all the preppy boys and the hairdye? Haven't they burned enough brain cells through sheer testosterone? Good god, today I have spotted at least three newly dyed black haired boys, and about five w/the bleach blond. Ugly, pissy colored bleach blonde."
OMG!!!! People other than my friends dye their hair!!! It can't be!
But it is your blog, and you can post whatever you see fit, and I respect that. I only wish to read it, because I do find it enjoyable from time to time. It's just this post I felt was a little uneeded.
As for the sad, sad world comment. It's just a phrase that has been around for a long long time. I'm pretty sure it's in a lot of song lyrics too, but I'm not positive about that. I thought maybe you might know that, apparently not.
As I mentioned before it's your blog post as you wish, but know that more than you and your friends read this blog, as you probably already know, and to my guess don't care.
I forgot to post my name, but it's the same person
How does calling a couple of fuckwits "oreo brothers" deminish my intellect? Here I thought I was expanding my vocabulary!
I am well aware that ppl besides my friends dye their hair, you arrogant son of a bitch. The point was that about 10 boys, who are all of vaguely preppy persuasion decided to look even more ridiculous.
"As for the sad, sad world comment. It's just a phrase that has been around for a long long time. I'm pretty sure it's in a lot of song lyrics too, but I'm not positive about that. I thought maybe you might know that, apparently not."
WTF does that even have to do w/anything, you dumb fuck? I've heard the phrase, I just thought you were a bit unjustifiably melodramatic in it's usage. "I thought maybe you might know that, apparently not." Oooooh, I'm scarred by your scathing wit.
I refrain from saying nearly nothing on this thing. I see the site meter for this bitch, I know alot more ppl than my close blogger community must view it. You enter this site at your own risk. If you are easily offended, DO NOT COME BACK. You don't like it? Not my problem. Bitch.
You think we have simple minds for speaking the truth? Wake up, Sunshine, the world is not a happy place w/starlight and moonbeams gracing all with their ethereal shine and goodness. I may be stupid, I've never denied that, but I'll be fucked up the ass before I admit to being stupid in the way you accuse. Fuck you very much and HAVE A NICE LIFE.
"You think we have simple minds for speaking the truth?"
Since when does your opinion become the truth? I think you are simple minded because you refer someone different from you as an "oreo" as you put it. Also, your replies are so convincing when everything is "fuck this or fuck that", or referring to me as a bitch. Grow up.
"I am well aware that ppl besides my friends dye their hair, you arrogant son of a bitch. The point was that about 10 boys, who are all of vaguely preppy persuasion decided to look even more ridiculous."
How am I arrogant? You are the one saying how people look so ugly or pissy as you refer to it. I forgot the rule where "preppy" people couldn't dye their hair. It sounds like you need to get over yourself.
It is a sad world when people like you refer to someone of a different race as an oreo.
FUCK EVERYONE!!! Lets start another huge fight like on Chad's blog... w00t that was a BLAST!
TRU PUNX dye their hair black so they can see your soul... you dont get it... MUWAHAHAHA!!!
or something like that...
I'm not trying to start a fight at all. She has her opinons I have mine.
Oh shove it up your ass. You are stupid and you cannot hide it from me. I have x-ray eyes. I can see stupidity through the internet. Also, my opinions rock, yours do not. Damn republican.
Yes, Peter, those were the good ol' days. When a real war could be waged via internet. Oh those innocent days...back when ppl did not stone me for swearing...
Pfft, silly ppl who do not even know me. You are arrogant b/c you think your opinion rocks, when really, I could not care less. If I don't know you, you don't matter.
Oooooh look at me, look at me. I'm so clever, I used the name of John D. Does it stand for Doe? Oh, you'll never know!!!
I'm a stupid Republican, I cannot hide it. I also like to bathe in the dead bodies of those durty bird racist cussers out there. God will get you all!!! God bless America.
Wow...I just had a total flashback to 3rd grade. Is that where you got your replies? My goodness that must have took a lot of thought. You say you aren't simple minded but yet look at your replies to me, not only simple mindish but very childish. That's ok though...I guess I was just expecting more thought, but I was wrong.
I would also try not being such a hypocrite when arguing with someone either...You just go around in circles. You tell me I think my opinons are the best and only way to think, but yet you keep saying how your opinons rock?
As for my name, I could see where you get John Doe, but that's not it. I grew up in Humboldt and now live in Humboldt. My name doesn't matter to you, because you don't know me...
I'm done trying to get a reasonable respone from you...
Good, b/c I am 17, jaded, and in my pj's. I don't really care to give you a reasonable response. And there you go again, getting self-righteous on me. Why would you expect anything from a person you've never met? Will never meet? I am a self-proclaimed hypocrite...read my damn blog and you would know that, but that "my opinions rock" thing was quite obviously me joking. Get a fucking sense of humor.
I cuss, I am not politically correct, and nothing about me is reasonable in any way...but I'm pretty sure I also have good points. Else why do all my friends stick around? I dont think my friends own pity...
Now I am tired of wasting time trying to justify myself to you. You know nothing about me. You're not my goddamned father/mother/pastor/counselor/friend, so fuck off and leave me alone.
*sits in corner w/hands over ears humming the themesong from Valley of the Dolls*
i think this was a very very rude thing...saying i am friends with all of the wrestling guys and yes i will agree jordan can be a complete ass but wow ease up or grow up damn!
FUCK Y'ALL! I don't wanna grow up. Why should I?
I'm friends with Jordan and Colton and all the wrestlers too and I say this is sheer bullshit. Yeah, Jordan is an ass to some people, but do you even associate with him? No. You don't. You don't speak with him, you may have passed him in the hallway or had a class or two with him but you have never even taken the time to get to know him. And maybe you don't want to, which is fine, your choice.
But to call him an oreo and say that some of them should die (Thomas) and say Dan is gay?? Dan has a girlfriend. Thomas is opinionated. Just like Jordan.
It's life. It's a SAD, SAD world, remember? Some people dye their hair for reasons other than to stand out. You will meet people in your life that you don't like. You don't slander them, you don't say you want them to die, that will only put shit on your back because people will hate you for what you say. Be mature about it and just ignore them, or talk about what you think- but don't post it on the internet saying you want someone to die.
I'm not sure if you realize this, but there are people in this world, other than "gothics" or "punks" or WHATEVER that dye their hair. Preps can dye their hair, Tommy, who isn't really a prep, kind of a dirtball actually, doesn't shower much.. He died his hair too. Condemn him for it? I think not. Let them do what they want. Let them burn brain cells. But don't hold it against them and hate them for it. They don't talk shit on you for dying your hair, so it'd be wise to be the bigger person and stop the bullshit. Have a nice life!
No, I don't know Jordan, you are entirely correct. My opinion is entirely biased and do you know why? Because this is MY FUCKING BLOG. If I want to "slander" them,I am perfectly w/in myrights to do as such. Because I LET you comment, you are also w/in your rights to slander me.
Obviously, you do not know me either,and if you did, you would realize that the whole fucking blog was a jest. I don't HATE them for DYEING THEIR HAIR. You dumbasses are just blowing this way out of proportion. Why don't YOU grow up and stop worrying about it. I'm not gonna kill anybody. I'm 4'10" for fucks sake, what the hell am I gonna do to a bunch of wrestlers? Hurt their feelings? Awwwwwwwww:*(
Everybody's so hyped up on me being the BIGGER PERSON, but you know what NO. I've been through more than you will ever realize, and I'm tired of constantly having to do the RIGHT thing(which usu. entails keeping my opinions to myself and being a rug). No wonder Chad hated you all.
aaaaaaaaaaaaa jjjjjjjjjjjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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