Does anybody want a puppy? Totally free, cute, shiny dog? She is a pit bull terrier or some such. Did I mention she's cute? She needs a home as my mother is not an animal person. Her name is Sugar and she will not go down swinging...w/e. You know you want her.
In other news, I bought the new Avenged Sevenfold CD today. I've been wanting it for a while(since Cole had me listen to it in about September or so). It is lovely. That is all. I am done. TAKE MY DAMNED DOG!!!
i want that cd and your dogs cute
Sugar is not vicious at all, but she's only slightly house broken. She'll bark at you when she has to go, but if you ignore her, she'll wee on the carpet. Thus my mothers' hatred of her:)
BOOOO. She only bites whilst playing, and it's not like it hurts. It is slightly annoying the way she grabs my sweatshirt sleeves tho:(
Why not ask God to take it?
...is that a real question? WTF?
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