My 2nd Semester schedule for all you stalkers out there is as this:
1. English 102 - Some dyke-ish lady. I miss the Berte:(
2. Economics - Rush
3. Government - Tomlinson
4. Concert Chorale - Blair
5. Spanish II - Savery (aka. Mrs. Tasty)
6. Integrated Math III - Lauger
7. Independent Music Study - Blair
8. Painting - Miller
English 2 has a new teacher, and I basically just miss the Jen Berte. Econ is painfully simple so far b/c I already took the majority of the course through the AP. Also, Rush loves me. Government is dreadfully boring, but made more lively thanks to the Pedrov...who I sit next to. Chorus is...chorus. I have Savery in Spanish this semester and it's different. I'm not sure whether I miss McVic's structured boredom or not. Also the French kid (Chris I think?) is in my class. Math still sucks, but now we're onto the Polyhedron part. Yay. IMS is w/Blair every other day...as I trade off w/Trevor. Then lastly is Painting. I'm happy to have an art class, but still not sure whether or not I'm gonna suck ass at it or not. I don't do large scale well at all:(
Further bitching about the new semester would have to entail the new tardy rules. They are stupid. Also the whole detention thing. They actually would not let me serve detention b/c I was 5 min. late. My last class is art, which is way on the other side of the building, and we get out at 3:12. I'd have to fucking RUN to make it to detention on time at 3:15. Also, apparently, we're not allowed to serve it anywhere but the little aud. This sucks as I like to use my detention in a constructive manner...like getting help in subject, or finishing an art project. Whoever makes the rules is retarded. People wonder why I have problems w/authority...e-thing they mandate just inconveniences me!
ps. I have mangoe bits stuck in my bottom teeth:(
nighttime justifies the eternally valiant
Morgan - Very carefully...
Marcus - I'm sure she does, but fuck me if I remember it.
dyk-ish lady = Proffessor Walstrom
u could just not be tardy....?
Now that's just silly. Where do you get such ideas, Anon?
Yell, Zebra Zipper Loves Hash Entirely.
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