Tuesday, October 04, 2005


As you can see, I am busy doing my homework. Right. So, yeah, I blame Nichole for posting that quiz thinger as I am absolutely addicted to those. I had to do a few myself...

Which That 70's Show Character Are You?
You're like Eric,

Welcome to the basement. Like Eric, you're a welcoming and friendly character people call when they want someone to talk to, some advice, or a comfortable place to hang out. You've got a good heart and a good head on your shoulders. A cool pad wouldn't hurt either.

With your practical nature, you don't get too carried away with pie in the sky ideas or fantastical notions like aliens and UFOs. You've got your feet on the ground and your eye on the future. And your finely tuned funny bone leaves people in stitches. So keep inviting people into your life. You'll be sure to have plenty of uproarious good times. Awesome!

(editors note: yes, I basically am the lame goody2shoes. I don't even have a cool basement though.)

Which City Matches Your Style?


You don't need to be a coffee lover or plaid-shirted rock star to feel at home in Seattle. Friendly and laidback, you have a mellow attitude and an appreciation for the outdoors — just like your signature city.
You're a lively soul who likes to enjoy life outdoors — whether that means going for a hike, biking around the neighborhood, or hanging out in a park with your pals. Your casual and relaxed style not only reflects your attitude, it's also practical for your active lifestyle. So grab your walking shoes and get a taste of your city's beautiful scenery and fresh air. Soak it up!

(editors note: I actually wouldn't mind living there...except isn't it rainy or some such?)

What Car Matches Your Personality?

You're all about the substance of relationships, not the flash and panache. You're focused on spending time with people and on doing the things you want to do more than the way in which you do it. Sometimes you have to deal with limited resources, but that doesn't mean your life can't be exciting and rich. Just the opposite. You're probably a champion for the underdog, too. Where most people see flaws, you see the character that brings people, and even cars, to life.

So what's the perfect car for your personality? Anything with a history that can get you, well, from here to there, in comfort.

(editors note: Great, I'm a used car. )

Who's Your Inner Rock Star?

Wow, your inner rock star is Bjork. You've charmed the world with your beautiful, zany, personal style. To say you're a member of the alternative set would be a gross understatement. You and Bjork define alternative in its purest form. You've got nothing to prove, it's your remarkably creative point of view that lets you make art from anything—art, music, politics—whatever makes you passionate. It's just who you are. You've got the courage to experiment with your style and career, and all the while remaining positively sweet and humble. You are as much a free spirit as they come. Celebrate your inner Bjork.

(editors note: Bjork rocks...kinda. I wanted to be Beck tho...oh, well, guess I'm not cool enough)

What's Your Theme Song?

Groove is in the Heart
Whether picking up white go-go boots at a second-hand store or rounding up the troops for dinner at the chicest sushi joint, you've got psychedelic diva written all over you. People like you make it cool to be groovy again, which is why "Groove is in the Heart" is your theme song. The bubblegum-meets-techno melody of your signature song gets you to jog that extra mile, or take on extra work with a jive-y cock of your head. Deee-Lite's dancehall fave never gets old playing in your head after each successful interview and promising date. Yes indeed, this is the soundtrack to those dee-lovely days and delicious nights when you've got an audience, and your phone number keeps coming up in conversation. But you'll only share your number with that special someone who can figure out "the depth of your hula groove," dig?

(editors note: Ummm...sure?)

Who's Your Celebrity Soul Mate?

Jude Law
Even if you're not Hollywood's hottest star (yet), we can tell you've got the potential to turn heads nonetheless. Whether you're in the spotlight or helping out behind the scenes, it's clear that you've got an understated allure underneath that sometimes-quiet exterior.

So who's right to play the part of your leading co-star? Only a hot ticket with sex appeal and sultry style to spare can keep up with a rising star like you. A stunner like Jude Law has the brains, beauty, and talent to be your match. From awards shows to dinner dates at swanky hot spots, you'll be the latest "It" couple to add sizzle to Tinseltown. Just tell your agent you're looking for someone sizzling to co-star in your love life, and you'll be sure to find them. And that's a wrap.

(editors note: OMFG, Jude Law is so bitchin'ly hott. I would so tap that all day every day for the rest of my fucking life.)

And I'm done I think. Gotta go to musical practice now so I can...sit on my ass and do nothing? Yeah, that sounds about right.


Blogger ksnish said...

at least you make it to the practices to sit on your ass... ;) my damn f.ing boss schedules me every time we have practice.. i'm gonna fail outta the musical.. :P just foolin'.. i do agree-- jude law is very sexy. as i have told you before-- i love your vocab hannah, haha, "bitching'ly".. gonna have to use that one.. :) cya darling

7:24 PM  

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