Monday, March 07, 2005


CHOICE MOVIE: Amelie. V.g. movie. Very funny, and odd. After awhile, you barely even mind reading the subtitles.

About a week ago, our bathroom light blew out and neither I nor my mother could reach the light to change it. The only light in the bathroom at night was the little plug-in night light. As a consequence, I had to take my showers in the morning as opposed to 12 at night, which also meant getting up a bit earlier. Danny(my stepdad) finally came home on friday and put a new light in. I had a v. nice shower last night.

I don't think I need to say it, but for the sake of chronicling, I dyed my hair Saturday. It is black. Mostly. I ran out of hair dye(Damn Clairol!!!) and so I have some bits of hair that are still brownish. Some blonde peeks out as well.

Y-day was a very good day spent w/Cassie and Phu biking around the various parks of Humboldt. I think that was the first time I've been on a bike since getting a car. God how lazy technology does make me.

Tomorrow I have to get up at the ass-crack of dawn and go to Mock Trial at Mason City. Haha, no school for me. Then again, I do have to spend all day in a suit and heels looking about me in a paranoid fashion, wondering where the hell it is I'm supposed to be at that moment. Also the overpriced college food.

This post is a bit rambling and disorganized...but I really can't muster up any sort of enthusiasm to make it differently, so kiss it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the bombillo(spanish) story.

1:02 PM  

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