Monday, February 21, 2005


CHOICE MOVIE: Mansfield Park. Don't know what it is, but lately I've been craving movies about the 1800's like crazy. Anywayz, it's a pretty good movie based on a pretty good book by Jane Austen. She can get down right sarcastic in that movie. I LOVE it.

Finished a pretty disturbing book the other day. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. I recommend it 2 everyone who feels compelled to sit down and read something that will disturb them slightly. For me, the disturbance came from how reasonable this outrageously ridiculous world that Huxley created seemed. I mean, if you really think about it, it is pretty sensible.

Take away morality, religion, emotional relationships, art, anything that could possibly be bad, and throw in a wonder drug that gives you a vacation from reality whenever you could possibly desire it, and you've got a Brave New World. In the most sarcastic sense that the author could put into this line from Shakespeare. What he gives you in this world is a very stable society and culture, controlled and brainwashed since b4 being decanted, for in this future world, we are not even born anymore.

It made me question "happiness" a great deal. For, true, the people of this new world were forever happy, but is it what one would want? Is the price for happiness, in the end, too high to pay? I'd like 2 think so. Therefore, right on to misery.

If this post made no sense to anyone(all 3 of you who read my blog), READ THE DAMN BOOK.


Blogger Zach said...

Thought-provoking post.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your blog too Hannah, it's 4 people. Everything relates. Lots of Bad days, with one ok day make lots of ok days and a f* awesome day.

3:03 PM  

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