Sunday, February 06, 2005


CHOICE SONG: Sincerity Machine by Sistik Mybrosis.

Gawd, I feel like shit on virtually every imaginable dimension. My head is pounding, I have that annoying squeaky phlem infested cough, and I think I'm getting a fever. I don't think it helped my immune system much by staying up till 4:00a.m. reading a book, either. It was a really good book tho, Alphabet of Thorn. I was v. much surprised by the depth at which it pulled me into it. It also made me feel kinda sad tho, and so I'm feeling crappy depressive as well as crappy sick.

I was planning on going to that Superbowl thingermajig at Oakhill tonight, but I don't think I will now that I'm a sick depressive person. Erg, why do I always get the stupid headaches between the eyes. My third eye KILLS.


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