Tuesday, January 18, 2005


CHOICE SONG: You Give Me The Hives When You Stroke My Vines.

Okay, so, today I heard from Becky that Mrs.K finally chose a play...and it's Hercules. Hercules modernized. WTF? Does she really hate us? I mean, I had my theories, but this just tops it off. She hates us. Fucking Hercules. Don't get me wrong, I used to be a HUGE mythology buff...and the show w/Kevin Sorbo, um, yeah I was the #1 fan. But seriously. How the hell do u modernize Hercules? And more to the point...why would u want to?

I'm still trying out and all...but GAWD, we must be REALLY low budget or sumthin. Aside from the "Mrs.K hates us" theory, it's the only thing that makes sense. Not that I'll get a big part or anything b/c it's official, this year sux ass. It is just NOT my year. I really do think they all hate me and r out to get me. It's not just paranoia. Blah definitely hates me. I mean, he acts all nice and e-thing, but that's just cuz he doesn't wanna get sued or something. I can see it in his strained little smile. He wants me dead and away.


Blogger The Dork Knight said...

A modern day Hercules? Ghey.

Speaking of school plays, my school is doing Little Shop Of Horrors.

5:13 PM  

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