Monday, February 28, 2005


Yes, kids, it's that time again. The time to be disoriented and entertained by new classes and new deranged teachers...or u know, the same old deranged teachers. I shall provide my schedule w/commentary below.

1. Spanish - Slavery
2. Study Hall - Chris and/or Mrs. KKK
3. Concert Chorale - Blah
4. Aerobics - R-ass
5. Lang 11B - Mooney
6. Apparel & Design - Dvorak(an ancient name roughly translated into "ate my family")
7. Chemistry - Holste

Ah, Spanish. That class which I'm ace-ing, but have absolutely no idea what's going on. Savery also hates me b/c I don't give a shit about her and am constantly swerving from her stupid rules. Study Hall is, well, boring, but as least I have Annie H. and the Short's to entertain me. There is nothing at all good to say about CC, so I'll say nothing. Aerobics...yeah. I'm taking it b/c the 5min run is not required if u take it, and also I hate those stupid game hybrids like pickleball or frisbee tag that is always played in regular gym classes.
Lang 11B sounds pretty damn easy. I can so read a book and just about whip a report out of my ass w/as much effort as it takes me to blow my nose. Also, kickass Cassie sits right next 2 me. Apparel & Design is gonna seriously test my patience b/c it's w/Dvorak and our personalities do some major clashing. She insulted my army jacket today. The first day of class and she disses the jacket. Not a good start, I think. I'm honestly thinking of dropping it. Chemistry may be growing on me, I'm finally getting a B minus. YAY!!!

So, that's my exciting new schedule for the next 3 months. I bet you're all thrilled I let u know about it, aye?


Blogger Zach said...

I like how you made funny little comments like "slavery" for Savery's class. Nice use of your writing skills.

7:06 PM  

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