Sunday, March 20, 2005


Okay, this whole weekend has been filled w/entertainment of the best kinds. Well, except that little bump of a bachelorette party I had to attend b/c it was in my house. I swear, I probably said a total of 5 sentences throughout the whole thing. Ughh..newayz, the great thing about this weekend was the books. I finished The Birth Of Venus, by Sarah Dunant, on Friday at about 4:00a.m. This was a fucking awesome book set in Renaissance Florence. It had e-thing a good book needs: History, sexual tension, political intrigue, art, nuns, and a sad-ish ending. Okay, so not the best book I've ever read, but it rates way up there. For right now at least.

The next book is called The Wish List, by Eoin Colfer (creator of Artemis Fowl). This book is about a girl, Meg, who breaks into an old guy's house w/her friend Belch. Long summary short, they get killed, Belch goes to Hell, but b/c Meg's good and bad deeds even out, she gets to go back to earth as a ghost and try to help Lowrie(the old guy) complete his "wish list." The catch? Satan wants her soul and will send a Belch/dog hybrid ghost back to earth to try to stop her from helping Lowrie and getting good deeds. It's a pretty good book, even though I think it might be meant for pre-teens or something. Still good.

The other forms of entertainment were movies. Dawn of the Dead was such grusome awsomeness. It had all the best components of a horror movie: ZOMBIES, blood and guts and gore, weaponry, and a ZOMBIE BABY. Aaaah, I do so enjoy my horror movies...they bring back such happy memories of my childhood.

Mother fucking cock sucking mother shit fucking mother fucker! The other movie was i love huckabees. The "love" part was actually a heart, but I don't know how to make one of those w/out a smilie thingermajig, so w/e. I had heard absolutely nothing about this movie and am not ashamed to admit that I rented it on the sole basis of it's having Jude Law in it. HOTTIE. So, yeah, that was basically my theory, if the movie was good, great! If it wasn't, at least I got to watch Jude Law for 2 hours. Anyway, this movie was great stuff even w/out the Jude. It was basically a very existential theory meets Napolean Dynomite having sex with the Tenenbaums while heavily under the influence. If you don't understand this explanation, you'd be better off watching the movie b/c then u can try to explain it and see how easy it is. Great movie. My favorite line being, "No, no, it's FUCKABEES." Also, "Have you ever transcended space and time?" "Yes. No, well, Time, not Space. No I don't know what ur talking about." "What, is it a crime? is it a crime to look at Lange?"


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