Yes, it's true. I'm free at last. No more mock trial. No more inane 2nd period singing practices with Blair. No more play practice. I am free to live free from the time I get out of school to the time I decide to finally go to sleep. What, you might ask, am I doing with all of this recently aquired free time? NOTHING. NOT A THING. NOTTA. ZIP. I am soooo glad that I no longer have a life. Things are soooo much more fun. I sit on my ass and contemplate my sorry ass existence. Or read. Or watch movies. Speaking of movies, I just saw GOTHICA, and I think the critics were just a little harsh. It actually wasn't too bad. Would definitely have made a better book series or something, but it was okay. I'm not even particularly a Halley Berry fan. I also saw ALMOST FAMOUS and it is actually an interesting movie about adolescence and how shitty it can be if you're not the popular rock star, or even if you are. I AM A GOLDEN GOD! Okay, I'm done with that.
I'm reading this book now called Losing It, about a fat 30 something chick who is, well, losing it. I haven't gotten to an vaguely interesting parts yet, but I feel them coming. The back said something about a hot guy, and he better show up soon cuz I am soooo not reading the whole book if there isn't even a little romance to even out the wild doses of depression the book is emanating. I also have to remember to tell the library next time I go to get the next Laurell K. Hamilton book in the series.
At solo ensemble I got a 2, which I think is pretty merciful of the judges, as I sooo deserved, like, a 3 at the most! Nobody else seems to think I did that bad, but they were so NOT standing where I was standing and hearing what was coming out of my mouth. Many were the instrumentalists, which I thought did pretty well, that got a 3. That was sososo not right! The play went v.g. I only messed up on one line, not that it mattered(as I only had five lines to begin with). People have been coming up to me all week and telling me what a good job I did, but really, I suck. The cast party was kinda fun, we danced and played MOODS, which is a totally AWESOME game. I went to sleep at 6:30a.m. and woke at 4:30p.m.
Okay, so g2g.
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