Sunday, February 08, 2004


I know this is highly critical of me, since when it first started I was all pumped up and shit, but I'm beginning to dislike Mock Trial. There's really no reason why, I'm just getting bored. Now I have a part in the Spring Play too, which is awesome and exactly what I wanted, but I'm seriously doubting whether or not I, with all my horrendous brain cells, will be able to pull it off. I should at this very moment be reading over my character parts for Mock Trial, since the dress rehearsal is tomorrow(well at least I think it is tomorrow), but what have I been doing the whole day? READING, yes, reading MOCK TRIAL stuff, No. Actually the book I was reading was v.g. I finished it not two hours ago. It's called The Trickster's Choice. V.G. from another highly acclaimed author whose books I adore, each and every one. I am actually kinda disappointed that I will not infact be singing in Soundsations this year. I simply could not and cannot decide upon a song to sing, and now my time is all up since this week is the tryouts. MY WORD Blair is making me sing the most ridiculous songs for solo ensemble and I can't say I don't deserve it, being the little idiot I am. At least my song isn't about soup. Though, I have to say "Who will buy my lavender" does make me sound the little street whore. WHATEVER.



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