Thursday, February 12, 2004


Okay, due to some (I'm assuming here) stupid 9th grade boys, the school has decided that the boys restrooms shall have no more soap, paper towels, or toilet paper. Now if that isn't the stupidest thing you've ever heard of, I don't know what is. I mean, like, EWWWW. If it was the girls bathroom, we'd be having a strike, directly after crucifying whatever dumbasses were tearing down the soap dispensers and making a general mess out of the bathroom. I still wouldn't be that bad (except for the toilette paper part) because, you know, it's not like we have to touch our stuff when we go, but guys do, and I know I'm not the only one that finds if vaguely disgusting to know that some guy just touched his stuff and now he's touching that desk that I have to go sit in for a whole hour. EWWW.

Aside from that, my days have been pretty hectic and disturbing. I have play practice from 7:00-9:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and then I have Mock Trial on Tuesdays from whenever to whenever. I also have to practice for solo ensemble, finish two art projects, and finish math homework on a daily basis. Forget Soundsations, it's NOT HAPPENING! I mean, I stay at SCHOOL till 9:30 at night, if that isn't a sensory overload I don't know what is. Mock Trial dress rehearsal y-day was...sorry, there are no words. Everyone was all dressy and that was v. odd. I didn't esp. like it. Reminded me too much of a funeral, or church, or the combination of the two and there you go, my old school, the wonderful Harvest Baptist School. The rehearsal actually wasn't too bad, except I really need my own defense attorney, and I need to practice more. I'm not actually sure why I go out for all these drama-ie things, I'm not a particularly good actress, nor even fond of speaking in front of grand masses of people. So whatever, this two hour late start is the best thing to happen all week. It puts a good perspective on the remaining day that we have left of the school week.

Oh damn. I just remembered that I have a English 10 test today and I didn't study, I even forgot to bring what I was supposed to study. Oh well, it's not like I would've studied anyway. So, I suppose I'll now leave you on that returned note of pessimism.



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