CHOICE SONG: Walk Away by Franz Ferdinand.
After wasting half a semester, I think I'm finally ready to get on about this college thing. I have a Latin test on Wednesday, and a Geology midterm the following Wednesday. I'm psyched!!!
*note: sarcasm*
But yeah. I think I'm about ready to embrace the fact that my friends suck, I smoke too much hookah, my grades need help, and I hate my job. Being the pro-active person that I'm not, I quit my job, am going to stop caring about my friends that don't care about me, study more, and smoke...okay, we'll deal w/the hookah thing later. This course of action shall effectively turn me into a hermit. A hookah smoking hermit. Yay.
ps. I want the new Killers cd. Also some Franz.
pps. I kinda miss the ole' Humboldt. shhhh, don't tell!
What do you do for work now?
I find myself missing the old Humboldt too. Especially the summer...
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