So, to be perfectly honest, I don't see what the big deal about college is. Really. It's just like highschool, only you have to walk ten miles in the dehydrating heat to get to classes. Also the teachers talk faster. And it costs lots of money. And I live in a v.small room with another person who likes R&B and Reggae. Luckily her cd's were left at home...hehe. In anycase, my room is hot and I am currently in the computer lab b/c my computer is fucking up for some reason. Fucking computers. At least it's cool in here. However, I must leave and go eat. Fucking UDCC closes at 7:30! Don't they know I eat dinner at 9pm?
i'm only going to IC and i'm excited to get the hell outta this town... hehe.. and silly, you forgot to give me your number!!!!! so do that. please & thank you! love you! !byyye
I have decided to no longer read your blog. (and it seems like a lot of other people have come to the same conclusion) TOO MUCH NEGATIVE ENERGY. Plus you have one of the filthiest mouths . . .
You need a new life. 1 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come."
Romans 8:28 " . . in all things God works for good of those who love Him . . "
John 3:3 Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again."
Hannah, there is someone who loves you so much He gave up his life for you. His name is Jesus Christ, and He is just waiting for you to surrender to Him. What do you have in your life now that you want to hang on to??
PS Don't bother spewing your filthy talk because I'm "anonymous" because I will no longer read about it.
PPSS Some day . . every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Either do it now . . or do it later.
Someone has to have the courage to speak TRUTH to you.
How about I will bother spewing my filthy talk, even if you don't read it. It's my blog, I'll do as I please!
Hey look, I can post scripture too!
"I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy." (Jer. 13:14) "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not, but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling."
"The Lord is good to all, and his tender mercies are over all his works." (Ps. 145:9)
Translation: God only loves you if you are his servant. Fuck everyone else. After all, it is your fault that he created the world, so therefore, it's your fault you are being sent to hell for not agreeing and loving and licking his ass.
I don't know why ppl keep trying to witness to me, haven't I already told you I've heard it all b4? For 14 goddamned years of my life! Jesus didn't give up shit...the fucker knew he was GOD. What does the big G-O-D have to give up by dying on earth?
ps. you forgot John 3:16 fucktard.
pps. What's so great about being positive all the time?
pss. TRUTH is relative, asslick, which means your truth and my truth are 2 completely different things. More liken to OPINION. In which case, who really gives a shit about what you think?
hannah, i guess i'd like to apologize on behalf of that other anonymous person.
Spewing verses and basically condemning you to hell on your blog is absolutely out of line. Like being able to quote verses makes you a good christian. Yeah right.
you've obviously heard it all before, so i won't bother to say anything else. just sorry that you've had religion shoved down your throat and seen how people who claim to be christians act.
Well, thankyou Jon. It's not that I hate all christians or (for example) are a perfectly nice kid. I just hate the pseudo-christians, the ones that look down on everyone and condemn them for having different views on life.
If you're a christian, fine w/me...just don't try to make me one. I know it's the religious imperative to seek out and convert...but just don't. I don't take too kindly.
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