CHOICE SONG: The Distance by Cake.
Only 6 days till move in day...and I couldn't be more happy. I think getting away for a long while is just what the doctor ordered. I need to be away from Hy-Vee, away from my friends that never call me, away from the people that used to be my friends that I now hate, heck away from my real friends b/c we're gonna drive each other insane. I'm not kidding. Starting new sounds fun. Kinda...cuz me and change aren't on such good terms...but w/e.
Today I have a list of things to accomplish, and so far, I've accomplished one of them. One is a good number.
*one is the loneliest number that you'll ever know...*
I hope my new roommate doesn't call today b/c she calls everyday and this bothers me. She's a totally nice person, don't get me wrong, but...I need my space. Or I'll end up going all ninja on you. Don't doubt. Don't call me unless there is a valid reason...I do not chit chat pointlessly unless unbearably bored, and you know *you're only bored if you're boring* which undoubtedly I am...but w/e, that's what I have a blog for.
There is no point to this post. I should be doing other things, but I haven't surfed the web in awhile...so yeah. Why does the whole fucking town of Humboldt have to shut down at like 5 on the dot??? Humboldt sucks teh penis.
i miss you very much hannah..... :( we need to get together sometime... lord knows i will fo sho be coming to ames plenty so i will have to hit you up sometime and we can have our vodka party we talked about.. ;) hahahaha even tho it makes you naughty.... i'm sorry your summer isn't going the best :( but it'll allbe over soon so yay :P ill talk to ya later tho... just thought i'd tell you i miss you!! love you!!!
p.s. what's with the handicap dude next to the word verification?
mIt's for blind ppl or sumthin(fucked up computer?)...incase you can't actually read the veri-word, you can click on the handicap guy and type the letters you hear.
ps. Why is anonymouse doubting? More to the point...what is he doubting, my incredible ninja skillz? You should never doubt those.
I don't doubt jesus... rat.
Well, I for one think doubting Jesus is healthy...rat. Or something to that matter. If you can't doubt Jesus, who can you doubt?
myself! idle hands... your determination.?
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