CHOICE MOVIE: True Lies. Arnold Schwartzenegerfja;iodh, Jamie Lee Curtis, and a young Eliza Dushku. Cassandra and I veiwed this wonderful mid-90's creation tonight. Surprisingly(or perhaps not) this was one of the first Arnold movies she's seen. Growing up w/one-liner, low brain powered shoot-em-up movies as I have, it's hard for me to imagine that this could be a new thing for some ppl. I love action matter how incredibly ridiculously predictable they are.
I hate snow. So far, from the number of ppl I've spoken to today, I am in the minority, but really, I HATE SNOW. I like lists tho, so here's a list.
1. It is cold
2. It is wet
3. In the morning I have to scrape the shit off my car
4. It soaks through my shoes
5. I have to wear a coat
6. Gloves, hats, boots.
7. Chapped lips
8. Snow turns into slush, which is icky
9. The sun makes it glare, which in turn hurts my eyes
10. Snow induces runny noses
11. Lenore isn't fond of it, and runs crappily wh/e it's around
12. I feel even LESS inclined to traverse to ANYWHERE AT ALL
13. It is COLD.
In the wintertime, I tend to be slightly more depressive. I don't like holidays...they have not been happy times in my history. Not that they've been overtly bad times either, I just don't see the big deal. The only good things that come out of holidays for me is food and school vacations. I think I was meant to be a bear or some such b/c all I ever want to do during these cold depressive months is hibernate. Yay hibernation.
Hey Hannah I agree with you on how you hate snow.Yesterday I just about hurt my sister because she was all excited that it was snowing and that we might not of had school today,we still got a 2 hour dealy out of the snow thing though.Well have a good day Emily Habben
I would argue, but what you speak is the truth, so I will settle for disgruntled.
Yay, 3 points for Hannah!!!
Sarah, ur a dumb cunt(my word confirmation nearly 'confirms' it dcbzbr)...I'll throw some in ur eyes:P
ooo i want in on the snow action snow brings one damn awesome stuff to lovers cuddling:p oh how i long to cuddle once more its so much fun and hot cocoa replaces tea and one last good thing makes the night walking down mainstreet magical
downsides is so fucking annoying specialy when you live in the country my gawd damn snow melt or FLAMETHROWER!!!!
I ALSO HATE SNOW! WITH A PASSION.... hate hate hate
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