Bleh...felt like posting so stole this from Anna:)
[So, what makes you so special?]
1] What is your first and middle name? Hannah Rose
2] Why did your parents name you these names? Hannah was some hot british chik my dad liked...Rose was the nurse's name or some such, also my months flower, I think. Maybe.
3] Where is your birthmark at? I don't believe I have one
4] Do you even know why you have one of these? nope
5] What is your one weird ability [C‘mon, everyone has one]? my "double-jointed" fingers tend to freak ppl out
6] Describe your “style” when it comes to what you wear: Jeans and t's basically. Lots o' black. Black is good.
7] Do you eat something that everyone else thinks is gross? not that I'm aware of, but probably.
[Getting an edumacation]
21] What school do you attend? Humboldt High School
22] How many students go there with you? no idea
23] What grade are you in? 12th
24] What do you like about going to school? having a schedule
25] Favorite class: Mythology w/Mooney is pretty kickin'
26] What college/university are you going to afterward? ISU probably...I like their colors better than U of I
27] Name a couple majors you are interested in: English, Library Sciences
28] What degree are you aiming at earning? Bachelors, then Masters in something or other
[Living quarters]
29] Do you live at home with your parents? generally
28] Is your room big? That would be a definite NO
29] What size is your bed? twin
30] What color are the walls? white
31] Do you have any animals in there? only some stuffed ones in a bag under my bed
32] Are you in your bedroom most of the time? ...when I'm home and not on the computer, so no, not really anymore.
[Your cup of tea]
33] What is your all time favorite band? I really couldn't say that I have just ONE. Queen is totally bitchin' tho.
34] Why so? Their harmonies and etc are just awsome. I love boys that can harmonize.
35] Do you prefer Jay Leno or Conan O'Brian? Conan...I'm too distracted by Jay's ginormous chin to concentrate on what's actually going on inthe show. Conan does have a ginormous head tho...hmmmm, tough call.
36] What are three things that you are obsessed with? people, songs, online comics
37] What is your favorite CD at the moment? maybe Bright Eyes
38] What celebrity do you think is the cutest? Oh my...um, hmmmm, there are just so many. Heath Ledger?
39] What’s the last really good movie you have seen? Equallibrium
40] When’s the last time you cried during a movie? Oh, when I was watching "The Next Best Thing" which is incredibly frustrating and saddening, and has a very pretty gay boy/man.
[Working your ass off]
41] Do you have a job? Resident Hyvee Bitch
42] Where do you work? Hyvee can room mostly
43] What do you do there? all the shittiest work
44] How long have you been working at this place? 4 months if you count that month I was in Florida
45] Do you see yourself working there for a while? At least until I graduate...if they checker train me and maybe give me a raise for being the Hyvee bitch.
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