Tuesday, August 30, 2005


CHOICE SONG: Paint It Black by the Rolling Stones. That song is so my theme song. Yummy.

Auditions for the musical were y-day and today. Even tho this sounds conceited, I think I did swell-ish-like, but I could be wrong. Hopefully I get that part I want and nobody too heinous gets the part opposite me. In any case, all will be found out tomorrow. I have nuthin else to say, so here's a poem that I wrote this summer. It's kinda depressing and badly structured, and the tenses don't line up...so what's new?


I felt like being pretty today
So I layered on the black nail-polish,
It sparkles in a most seemly way,
Like asphalt on a sunny day.
I painted pretty lines around my eyes
To make the shadows less stark,
To make my eyes less dead.
I wore my favorite shirt, black shoes,
My most flattering pair of pants
So no one can tell how uncomfortable I am inside.
I slathered on the glitter
To be magical and all things mystery
But there is no magic in the world
And that's the only mystery that interests me.
I wore my hair in a dark curtain
To hide behind when life makes me ache,
But my roots are growing out
And all I feel is fake.
My poise is fabrication.
My laughter a facade.
I feel less real than Peter Pan,
Less read than a dictionary in ghetto land.
I felt like being pretty today,
But no amount of paint
Could cover the rot inside.


Blogger Unknown said...

Perfection at its finest.

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:06 AM  

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