Wednesday, August 17, 2005


The most immense sort of joy has taken hold of me. Like orgasmic joy, you have no idea...unless you're a dirty whore. Sluts. Anyway, "What brings on these feelings?" you might ask. Simple. A hater has infiltrated my blog. YAY. Not just any sort of hater, either, but the best ignorant, Bible banging, persecuting piece of shit hater. By thier comments, I have quite readily deduced that they know absolutely nothing about me, and if I'm wrong and they somehow actually know me in person, I'd just like to say SHAME ON YOU. B/c they obviously don't know me. "Why don't you just delete their comments if they annoy you so?" you may also wonder. That is simple also, I think they're funny. Dumb fucks are one of the key choices of amusement when you inhabit a small town. I inhabit a small town and am just RAVENOUS for bring it BITCH.

Okay, on to other things, like work and such. Today was my first day back at Hyvee! What pray tell did I get stuck w/? Fucking cans. I hate the can room. It always smells like stale beer. Warm stale beer. Also it's grimy work cleaning out the machines and sorting the glass bottles, having bags rip open and spill stickyness on you, and mopping(an activity I thoroughly hate). I only worked 3 hours today, but tomorrow I have to do 6. I think perhaps Hell is not fire and brimstone, rather, it is an 8 hour day of can room duty. Thank w/e powers may be that I'm only serving 6 and not 8. Interestingly enough, even though I think I bitched an average amount about this position today, J.R. seemed to think I was completely un-bitchy, and commended me on my agreeable-ness and other made up words and such for staying half an hour over to finish what had to be done(ie. glass bottle sorting). Which is good, b/c I like J.R., he's my fave managerial person man. Yeah, I'm gonna stop now cuz this is a long ass post and I'm slightly tired. *yawns*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think I'll try to avoid your small town..because if they are all like you, that town could fall off the face of the earth and all would be better.

5:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey! Hell must be burning death-flames and torment! The Bible says so! Oh and Anon, even if little H-town did fall off the face of the earth (which, btw, is round), I'd still be here :D

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are going to still be there...make the most of it...make the most of yourself. Tell me more of what you know about the Bible.

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, guess what? This may come as a shock, but you don't know everything. Your mind is merely finite, just like everyone else in the effed up world, so back off. Let us believe what we want. Is telling you more of what we know about the Bible going to make a difference? Hmm, well, I know loads about it. I know that in one section it says we're saved by grace, and another section it says we're judged by our deeds, and in another section it says that God is a bigot, and that God is merciful, and that God destroyed cities and flooded the world.
Eh, I'm not even going to bother. If you really want to 'make a difference' or whatever, if you want to let people 'open up to Jesus' because you're 'such a good Christian,' you might actually try to have a real conversation with someone, i.e. stop being a coward, stop being an ignorant know-it-all (hmm... ignorant know-it-all... that doesn't make much sense). Comprende?

12:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sweetheart, I could know the entire Bible front-to-back and still not be a Christian, so really, what would I be proving? That I'm some bitch-worthy know-it-all with a brick up my ass? Oh sorry, that's you. My bad.

I suggest you heed your own advice and make the most of yourself. There are much better things you could be doing than fucking around with people you don't even know. If you're such the Christian you claim to be, take your Holy Word elsewhere, someplace where people want to hear it, and stop wasting your time here.

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

Everyone in Humboldt isn't like Hannah. Don't judge a town by the actions of one, and don't judge books by their covers.



5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the bible people!

6:49 PM  
Blogger Hannah M. said...

1. I just fucking love ppl's cowardice. Seriously, how much is it gonna hurt to write your fucking name? I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU.

2. Thankfully, everyone in H-town is v. much not like me. I'd consider it my greatest failure in life to be just like everyone else...but u know, that's just me.

3. H-town is v. unlikely to fall of the face of the earth as it's just not physically probable due to gravity and such. It's also unlikely to even fall into the ocean or anything like that b/c, um, we're in Iowa. Nuff said. A meteor or nuclear fall out could occur tho. Never give up the hope.

4. Even wishing such a thing as my whole fucking town to disappear is just ungodly. That's a lot of ppl you don't even know, just gone. Take a look at your own self b4 judging me.

5. I don't have to tell you shit about "the good book". Presumably you own a copy, read it yourself. The thee's and thou's may be a bit distracting, but I'm pretty sure even you can decipher some of it. It's a good story, I never said it wasn't, but I'm just not that into it. I don't like Hamelt either though, so there you go.

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not telling you what to believe ...I'm just telling you what I know is to be true about my Lord. I never said I was a 'good christian' it's a work in I ask God for strength in my walk through life.

7:11 PM  

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