I'M HOME!!!!
And boy have I had a day. Flying trepiditions(sp), guilt, 3 hour drive w/boys, mother and neighbor, finally being home...which is a bit wierd, my mother moved my room(bitch). Cassie is the best part of my day. Worst part...missing person report. Deranged part? I've been gone a month and it seems everything has gone to hell while I've been gone. Not that this has to do directly w/me being gone, it's just that I left and things were a certain way, and now they are a thousand miles in the opposite direction(while I no longer am).
All I can say is that this is gonna be one hell of a year, and watch out anyone who pisses me off cuz I'm not nearly as nice as I used to be. Yes, that's saying a lot.
Cassie I loooooooooove you (in a completely non-lesbian way).
I know where the missing person was, and maybe even who they were with (gasp!). Valerie, you'd rape your mom?!
Welcome back darlin'!
I loooooooooooooooooooove you too Hannah! (in a completely non-lesbian way)
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