Tuesday, July 12, 2005


CHOICE BOOK: The Dead Zone, by Stephen King. Great book, way fucking better than the lame ass show on that one channel that I never watch b/c I don't have cable.

A few nights ago I had the most incredibly hard time getting to sleep. Seriously, this has been happening alot lately, but I just blame it on the crappy bed, or the change of location, temperature, coffee, w/e, etc. Now I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps it's something deeper seated. Insanity perhaps? I can't write worth a crap lately, but it seems I've gotten my ability to pay attention to a book back. Yay.

I bought the Killers cd Hot Fuss on Sunday for comfort. Can't get enough of that Mr. Brightside. I have never seen so many bleached blondes in my whole fucking life. It is 95 degrees out and about 105 w/humidity(I may be exaggerating slightly) and I am wearing pants and a black poly/cotton blend t-shirt. This is not the brightest idea in the world, but see, I had an incident w/an electric razor, and my legs are not ready to see the world again yet. The black shirt is just inevitable. W/e.

Whoever wants a post card/sanity resignation letter/birthday present/piece of flaming shit on their porch/etc... needs to e-mail me their address. Thankyou for shopping Hellmart.

This is the shit. I want. Have no idea how much money I have on my card tho.


Blogger Peter said...

I bought that Killers CD the day it came out. Now it pisses me off that they are as popular as they are. Because I rode that wave long ago BITCHES!!

Other than that... keep yourself entertained. Only another month or so...

10:14 AM  
Blogger Cindy St. Onge said...

ick. humidity. I'm sorry you have endure that. I tend to butcher my legs on occasion, too. But the world would rather see me lacerated & gangrenous than hairy. Isn't that fucked?

Love the Frida Kahlo cigarette case. Love Frida anything. If she was still alive, I'd be sooo gay for her.

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am just back from Camp for one day. Nice to read your blog, even if I can't talk to you.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how much you have on your card!!!!!!! and I know the number!!! Hahaha!!!!
maybe I will use it??????
but if you would call me more often then I could tell you.

9:27 AM  

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