CHOICE BOOK: Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld. It's a decent book b/c it doesn't end happily. It takes a look at 4 years in the life of a shy, prep school girl who doesn't fit in and is completely unremarkable. It has the feel of real life...also, I think the girl is worse off than me, which makes me feel better about myself. YAY.
This post is similar to Sammi's in that I am whining that BOOOOOO!!!! EVERYONE HAS LEFT ME. Fucking cunts. I'm BORED. My mom went and got trashed last night and what, pray tell, was I doing? Lying on cold, wet grass next to my dead friend's grave. All is not right w/the universe. Why don't I have boozer friends? I have failed at life, it's true.
HEY! I resent that! you still have me, silly girl.
...although i admit i don't booze much at home. :)
I think you need to get off your pity party it's very unbecoming. You need to work on being mature and to learn to change the things you can....which is yourself...the world is NOT about you.True joy and peace will only come from the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the friend all people need. He wil NEVER forsake you.
Um, thank you you anonymous piece of shit. I had no fucking idea that the world doesn't revolve around me and my problems. Seriously. And let me tell're on fucking PCP if you thing bringing JC in on this one'll give any sway whatsoever. I could tell you why, but that would take way too much fucking effort. FUCK OFF.
Hey I read Prep quite a while back, but I do remember that it was an exceptional book in contrast to many I had read....see you later, CANT girl.
Even though I find it very hard, with God's strength, I will continue to pray for you
Anon, if you're really all that into Jesus and God, you wouldn't be shitting-off to people the way you are. If you look up to JC, ACT LIKE IT. It's her blog, let her talk the way she wants to. And it's not like her friends have "forsaken" her. They're all fucking on vacation. Judas Priest. I think you're lack-of-information and jumping-the-gun is very unbecoming.
You know what Anonymous, don't even bother. I don't need to be prayed for by heinous bitches like yourself. Ppl like you is a large reason why I gave up on church.
Just stating the facts.
Yeah, facts you didn't know.
Anonymous is right about one thing: wallowing in self-pity won't get you anywhere.
It is absurd to say I am "wallowing" in self-pity. I merely wade. Occasionaly I will shower in it, but only occasionally. I dislike the word "wallowing."
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