CHOICE MOVIE: Not Blow. It has Johnny Depp, but it's so god-awful sad b/c he's a nice guy...but ya know, he cartels drugs. He goes to jail in the end which I think really blows. I like it when the criminals get away w/shit. Esp. when they have kids.
I am skipping play practice once again. I really should go as we're now going through the whole play, but I don't have my lines memorized and I really don't feel like going on stage and not having any idea of what 2 say. Also, I'd have to do something. The only thing I've done all day was to go to lunch. A very silent lunch I might add. Well, and then Chad and I went to Hyvee to get movies{ side note: there was a guy there w/an uber hot ass. I'm not really a woman all that into the ass, but this one was exceptional!} Otherwise, I've been perty inert. How do I intend to spend the rest of my Spring Break? Righto. INERT.
Well, okay, I may at some point this weekend, go to the mall and finally get some material for my prom dress. But after that I will only venture from my home to go to other peeps homes...or see a movie. I've been wanting to see Ring Two and Constantine(oh, Keanu!). Yay! I can sleep in 2morrow. I think unconsciousness is probably my greatest joy in life.
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