Wednesday, May 19, 2004


Hmmm...I just finished this book, YOU HAVE TO KISS A LOT OF FROGS, last night and it was rather disappointing. Not that I was putting a lot of stock into it. Next I will read the final book in the Seven Waters Trilogy, CHILD OF PROPHECY, which is a hell of a lot better than the frog book. We disected frogs y-day in school. It smelled rather gross, but was actually kinda interesting. Our frog had a beetle in it's stomache. We skinned it and then took the muscle off of one leg and played with the bone. Fun as it was, I'm glad we have nothing more to disect, the formaldahyde smelt really bad.

I am seriously procrastinating on my poetry project. I made it way harder than was necessary anyway, and now I'm a bit tired of it. I have about 7 poems finished, but I still need to type up an index, my 'why did I put this poem in here' thing, and 5 more pictures to go with the poems. I also need to figure out a way to bind the covers and such and have it all done by Tuesday.

I am v. phsyched about Shrek2 coming to the Humota, as I heard somewhere it was. Did I read that on Sarah's post? Anyway, me and Ashley H., and Lindsay W. all want to go and see that. I think I'd even venture out to the Great Big Fort Dodge Theater if it wasn't coming to the Humota. Tomorrow I will be serving a healthy snack in Aerobics. I'm really not sure how healthy it is, but...whatever. At least we don't have to work out anymore, I mean really! Enough w/the physical activity already! J/K.

PS. Zach, if you read this, pleeeeze help me put up the links for peeps blogs on this one! Okay? I signed you up as a edit person, so have ur way w/my lovely blog. Thanx.



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