Friday, May 14, 2004


Today, we had the most scintillating assembly. It was about meth amphetamine. I will summarize it here (though it's not exactly necessary as everyone who reads my blog was prolly in the exact same assembly). Everyone...METH AMPHETAMINE is BAD. As I sat in those terribly uncomfortable auditorium chairs, the meth talk gave me an absolutely brilliant idea for a story. In this story, a girl is in a suburb home where her parents are abusive and alcoholics. Instead of overcoming the obstacles in her life like the heroine's in all other similar books, my character will become resentful, do a lot of meth, beat up other kids in turn, become a dealer, and kill her abusive parents and crack head boyfriend. Never fear, though, in the end she kills them in front of a lot of people and so gets put in jail for life. Maybe the saga will continue after that, and maybe it won't.

Okay, so maybe I won't write that story, it's morbid even to my...morbid mind. A book I've already mentioned, LIKE THE RED PANDA, is a book actually very similar to the one swarming in my head at the moment. Except, her parents died of a drug overdose when she was like, 11 or something and the girl was really smart and a goody2shoes, and in the end she only killed herself. Yep, good reading there.

So anyway, now I'm reading THE GOOSE GIRL. It seems pretty good at the moment, and Kesley S. said she has read it and it was good. It's based on the old Grimms Brothers fairy tale, which used to be one of my personal favorites b-cuz in the end the evil person got her head chopped off or turned into a fish or something. Anyway I'm thinking everyone has prolly had enough of the horror of my mind, so I will now go.



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