Thursday, April 19, 2007


As luck would have it, I have been stripped of my chance to enjoy VEISHA week (aka. week of drunken partying before finals) due to a particularly heinous case of the strep. Well, MAYBE the strep. Apparently a lot of things have symptoms similar to strep (swollen, white glands, fever, coughing, etc...) such as mono. So I either have mono or strep. Just great. I am about fucking tired of getting sick all the goddamned time. I do not appreciate.
Not only has this hindered my social life, but my academia also. I have been passed out for the greater part of two days. Two crucial days, it turns out, for the benefit of an English paper. Also, my service learning project is not done either. And did I mention the finances? Yeah, I forgot to cancel the direct deposit (b/c there is no money in the bank) so the University will try to extract $1500 for my Ubill tomorrow, have it returned, and fine me another $30. I hate life. But mostly, I think I hate ISU.
I have to work on three papers now while my boyfriend is out at a party, having fun, getting drunk. I hate life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*meaningless comment that you won't respond to and probably wouldn't fill your life with any more joy than is obviously already present*

{that is, if you even read it. I think that if you just saw that you got a comment on your spartan blog, it might cheer you up a little bit more to not even read it} ;)

5:59 PM  

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