Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Well, I finally clicked on that gmail link that always came up when I went into my blog account, so I now have gmail. I haven't used it yet b-cuz I haven't. I rarely actually e-mail, and if you've ever recieved an email from me, count urself lucky, cuz  I'm lazy and never do it. Anyway, just wanted to let e-one who reads this(yes all 2 of you!) know that my e-mail is now I think. I signed up a while ago, so it might not be that. If anyone finds it necessary to do so, you may g-mail me there.

Also, has anyone noticed the nifty new additions to their posting composition thingies. I have a spell checker, number list, bullet list, block quote(though actually not sure what that does), eraser thingie that removes formatting from selection, text color, and fonts as well as sizing(huge, large, normal, small, tiny). It tells me keyboard shortcuts also.

Blogger is moving up in the digital world.


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