CHOICE SONG: Million Ways To Be Cruel by OK Go
So, it's done and now it's on my flesh for all eternity. Well, at least until my flesh deteriorates and falls off for the maggoty folk to gobble up. That however, shouldn't happen for a while. Till then, I've got these big black marks on the back of my neck. I really wanted the guy with the red hair and tons of tattoos to do mine, but he accidentally scheduled two ppl at the same time. Bastard. So mine was done by this very un-inked girl who had trouble lining the tattoo up. W/e. It looks decent. I'm pry not gonna complain until the tatoo is healed enough for me to get a decent look at it.
Also, for all those who think that getting a tattoo is too painful for you...just have it be known from someone who's been there, if you can handle a heavy post-beer drinking binge of puking your guts out, you can handle a tattoo. I know this, because both were done in one day, and the puking was way worse. I think I may have cried. I had 4 witnesses at Permanent Collections to verify the fact that I did not cry over that particular pain.
Ok, gotta get ready for work now. Yum, rubby on the collar, that'll be nice.
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