Saturday, March 25, 2006


CHOICE SONG: Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand. (This, by the by, is a kick ass music video. V.v.strange). Does anybody else find Franz kinda hot?

So, Solo ensemble was today. This year I actually did not have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to make it to the bus. I took the 2nd bus which leaves at noon, I rock so hardcore. I wore a dress and nylons and lots o' visible cleavage and it didn't even bother me a great deal. Dan threw a nickel in my cleavage, I was that unfazed.

The Sammi/Hannah duet recieved a division I rating, as did my solo. So that's good. I was slightly worried there for awhile that my solo was gonna get a II b/c the judge gave me quite a bit of constructive criticism after my songs...and one of the songs got cut off midway(Trevor had that happen also). Also, I forgot some words to the Italian piece, but the judge didn't even seem to notice that I was pulling words out of my ass to cover for the forgotten ones. Does anybody know the difference between a slide and a slur? I do now. Boy do I know now. In any case, it all turned out all right and it's now done. Forever. Like w/Mock Trial, it's as if this huge cloud has blown away and the sun can shine brightly on my shoulder once again. Okay, that was maybe a bit too optimistic of a metaphor...but w/e, you get the picture.

Now I just have to get through the play. Oh dear god.

ps. Am watching Headbangers Ball...and it is lovely. Oh how I do so love the long haired manly men. *So this is love, lalalala...*


Blogger Cindy St. Onge said...

Division 1? Don't know exactly what that is, but it sounds like the top of the heap, girl. Congratulations!! Do you talents know no end?

11:26 AM  
Blogger Hannah M. said...

Yes, sadly my talents end there...kinda. Well, I can't run, that's my excuse. I'm unathletic and fugly...that's why I have talent:)

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HANNAH! I saw you for like three hours last night, and you didn't tell me you got 1's at the music festival? for shame! Anyway, i'm very happy for you :)

11:01 AM  
Blogger Hannah M. said...

Lo siento, Anna, it really just did not occur to me that night:P

9:04 PM  

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