Monday, November 08, 2004


CHOICE MOVIE: The Incredibles. Pure animated awesomeness is my opinion. Pixar has done it again. Does it for me everytime. I love this movie and will buy it as soon as it comes out on dvd.

Today wasn't too bad. I actually passed my psych test for once with an A. Kinda, I mean, a huge curve was involved, so....whatever. I totally failed my math test, but what's new? I'm absolutely dropping that class next tri. Lauger and I so do not mesh well. Today in his class was...intersting, to say the least.

Great news! Lenore is back on the road and I filled her up with some gas today for the first time(as I have previously been forcing my mother dear to do it 4 me). I love my Lenore, even if she is a little rusty and quirky. She's the best. I cannot, however, say the same 4 my driving skills, but who really gives a shit?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad about not filling up your car. I had my car a year before I filled it up, no forcing involved.

My pet peeve is people who can't drive. Speeders are okay, it's just the people who cut other drives off, stop too far ahead at stop signs, don't use turn signals, follow too closely, or can't figure out four-way stops.

- Chad

6:20 PM  

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